Grade 8 Art & Crafts


A variety of tools, materials and media are used in the junior high art program. Your teen will express their feelings, think artistically, value the act of creating art and value art forms. They will draw and create, and explore the art that others have made.

In the global economy, creativity is essential. Creativity in students must be nurtured and allowed to have a place in the education of the whole child in order to prepare that child for the future. The study of visual arts, dance, drama, and music, as outlined in the Utah State Core Standards, provides a venue for creativity to flourish. The fine arts provide a place for students to explore new ideas, for appropriate risk-taking, for creative problem solving, for working together with others, for developing aesthetic awareness, for exploring and expressing the world, and for cultural awareness and representation, in addition to the benefits of study in the discipline of fine arts. The study of fine arts is a critical element of a well-rounded education for every student.



A variety of tools, materials and media are used in the junior high art program. Your teen will express their feelings, think artistically, value the act of creating art and value art forms. They will draw and create, and explore the art that others have made.

In the global economy, creativity is essential. Creativity in students must be nurtured and allowed to have a place in the education of the whole child in order to prepare that child for the future. The study of visual arts, dance, drama, and music, as outlined in the Utah State Core Standards, provides a venue for creativity to flourish. The fine arts provide a place for students to explore new ideas, for appropriate risk-taking, for creative problem solving, for working together with others, for developing aesthetic awareness, for exploring and expressing the world, and for cultural awareness and representation, in addition to the benefits of study in the discipline of fine arts. The study of fine arts is a critical element of a well-rounded education for every student.